Statement from the Members of the Israeli Institute of Jungian Psychology in Honor of Erich Neumann, Members of New Israeli Jungian Association and Members of The Israeli Society for Analytical Psychology


 On Saturday morning, 7 October 2023, the earth opened up like a volcanic crater, spewing out absolute, archetypal evil. Hamas terrorists invaded serene civilian communities, murdering, raping, torturing, burning homes with their inhabitants inside and abducting infants, children, elderly people, and adult men and women.

Over 1400 people were massacred, 4000 were injured and over 200 were taken hostage by the Hamas terrorist organization, their fate unknown to this day. It was like a mythical evil taking place in front of our eyes, but to our deep sorrow, this was not a myth – it was reality.

These horrific acts were aimed at Jews and Israelis but were revealed to be indiscriminate because Arabs and members of other nations were also brutally murdered and taken hostage. There can be no justification for such cruelty; it was an outburst of total evil, a loss of humanity and loss of any remnant of consciousness on the part of the murderers and those who sent them.

 It also pains us greatly that the cruel massacre by Hamas on 7 October and the ongoing captivity of infants, children, women, and men has resulted in the killing and injury of many innocent people in Gaza who played no part in the evil acts committed by their leadership.

We are now struggling to survive, preserve our freedom of spirit, fulfill our values and, of course, free the hostages being held in Gaza. This has become not only our struggle, but a struggle for the very humanity we all share. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the letters of support and commiseration you have sent. We are calling on you, our colleagues around the world, who share our belief in individuation processes, development and healing, to speak out about the horrific acts and utter evil, and to support our struggle in every way you see fit.

Praying for better times,

Batia Brosh-Palmoni Iris Elyakim-Meroz Ahuva Yvin-Arnon  
President of the IIJP President of the NIJA President of the ISAP  

The cords of Death compassed me, and the floods of Evil assailed me. The cords of Sheol surrounded me; the snares of Death confronted me. (Psalms 18:5-6)